Privacy policy
Privacy Policy IT
Informativa Privacy
In questa pagina sono descritte le modalità di gestione del sito web relativamente al trattamento dei dati personali degli utenti che lo consultano.
L’informativa è resa solo per il presente sito internet sul quale è riportata e non anche per altri siti web eventualmente consultabili dall’utente tramite link.
Ai sensi dell’art. 13 del Regolamento europeo (UE) n. 2016/679 (di seguito GDPR), l’AZ. AGRICOLA SILVIO GRASSO DI GRASSO ALESSIO FEDERICO, con sede in Frazione Annunziata n. 112, 12064 La Morra (CN), P.IVA 02559680042, in qualità di titolare del trattamento, informa che i dati degli utenti saranno trattati con le modalità e per le finalità seguenti.
Tipologia di dati trattati
Finalità del trattamento
Mancato conferimento dei dati
Modalità di trattamento
I dati personali sono trattati con strumenti automatizzati per il tempo strettamente necessario a conseguire gli scopi per cui sono stati raccolti. Specifiche misure di sicurezza sono osservate per prevenire la perdita dei dati, usi illeciti o non corretti ed accessi non autorizzati. I dati degli utenti del sito saranno trattati esclusivamente da persone autorizzate al trattamento espressamente nominate ed istruite.
Il Titolare tratterà i dati personali per il tempo necessario per adempiere alle finalità di cui sopra e per il periodo minimo richiesto dalla normativa vigente. In particolare, i dati saranno oggetto di trattamento per tutta la durata dei rapporti contrattuali instaurati. Successivamente lo saranno soltanto per l’espletamento di obblighi di legge.
Accesso ai dati
Diritti dell’interessato
Modalità di esercizio dei diritti
Identità e dati di contatto del Titolare del trattamento
Il Titolare del trattamento è l’AZ. AGRICOLA SILVIO GRASSO DI GRASSO ALESSIO FEDERICO, Frazione Annunziata n. 112, 12064 La Morra (CN), e-mail, tel. +39 351 6703545.
La Morra (CN), 21/02/2023
Cookie policy
Informativa estesa sui cookie
La presente informativa è resa, con riferimento al sito (“Sito”), dall’AZ. AGRICOLA SILVIO GRASSO DI GRASSO ALESSIO FEDERICO, con sede in Frazione Annunziata, 112 - 12064 La Morra (CN), P.IVA 02559680042.
Che cosa sono i cookie e a cosa servono
I cookie sono stringhe di testo di piccole dimensioni che i siti visitati dall’utente inviano al suo terminale (solitamente al broswer), dove vengono memorizzati per essere poi ritrasmessi agli stessi siti alla successiva visita del medesimo utente. Nel corso della navigazione su un sito, l’utente può ricevere sul suo terminale anche cookie di siti o di web server diversi (c.d. di “terze parti”); ciò accade perché sul sito web visitato possono essere presenti elementi come, ad esempio, immagini, mappe, suoni, specifici link a pagine web di altri domini che risiedono su server diversi da quello sul quale si trova la pagina richiesta.
Durata dei cookie
Alcuni cookie (cookie di sessione) restano attivi solo fino alla chiusura del browser. Altri cookie sono disponibili anche in successive visite dell’utente. Questi cookie sono chiamati persistenti e la loro durata è fissata dal server al momento della loro creazione. In alcuni casi è fissata una scadenza, in altri casi la durata è illimitata.
Finalità e scopi dei cookie
I cookie sono utilizzati per eseguire autenticazioni informatiche, monitoraggio di sessioni e memorizzazione di informazioni specifiche riguardanti gli utenti che accedono al server e di norma sono presenti nel broswer di ciascun utente in numero molto elevato. In tale ottica, alcune operazioni non potrebbero essere compiute senza l’uso dei cookie, che in alcuni casi sono tecnicamente necessari. A titolo esemplificativo, l’accesso ad aree riservate del sito e le attività che possono essere ivi svolte sarebbero molto più complesse da svolgere e meno sicure senza la presenza dei cookie che consentono di identificare l’utente e mantenerne l’identificazione nell’ambito della sessione.
Tipi di cookie
Cookie di terze parti
Nel corso della navigazione su un sito, l’utente può ricevere sul suo terminale anche cookie che vengono inviati da siti o da web server diversi (c.d. "terze parti").
A titolo di esempio possono essere presenti cookie legati ai sevizi forniti da Google Analytics, Google Maps oppure cookie dovuti alla presenza di "social plugin" (ad esempio per Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+ e LinkedIn), generalmente e solitamente finalizzati alla condivisione di contenuti.
Utilizzo e finalità dei cookie nel sito
I Cookie installati per il tramite del Sito sono cookie tecnici che non richiedono il consenso preventivo dell’utente.
Non sono previsti cookie di profilazione propri.
Come disabilitare i cookie:
L’utente può decidere se accettare o meno i cookie. A questo scopo può utilizzare le impostazioni del browser Internet. La maggior parte dei browser consente di gestire (visualizzare, abilitare, disabilitare e cancellare) i cookie tramite le impostazioni.
Le impostazioni del browser
L’utente può configurare, liberamente ed in qualsiasi momento, i suoi parametri di privacy in relazione all’installazione ed uso di cookie, direttamente attraverso il suo programma di navigazione (browser) seguendo le relative istruzioni.
In particolare l’utente può impostare la così detta "navigazione privata", grazie alla quale il suo programma di navigazione interrompe il salvataggio dello storico dei siti visitati, delle eventuali password inserite, dei cookie e delle altre informazioni sulle pagine visitate.
Nel caso in cui l’utente decida di disattivare tutti i cookie (anche quelli di natura tecnica), la qualità e la rapidità dei servizi offerti dal presente sito web potrebbero peggiorare drasticamente e si potrebbe perdere l’accesso ad alcune sezioni del sito stesso.
Indicazioni pratiche rivolte all’utente per la corretta impostazione del browser
Per bloccare o limitare l’utilizzo dei cookie, direttamente tramite il proprio browser, si possono seguire le istruzioni riportate sotto e riferite ai browser di più comune utilizzo.
Internet Explorer
Modifica impostazioni Cookie
Clicchi sull’icona “Strumenti”, “Opzioni Internet”, quindi il tab “Privacy”. Lei può regolare la policy di accettazione dei cookie portando su o giù lo slider relativo o cliccare sul pulsante “Siti” e nella finestra che appare autorizzare o bloccare l’accettazione dei cookie sito per Sito. Clicchi “OK” per applicare le modifiche.
Cancellazione Cookie
Selezioni “Strumenti”, “Opzioni Internet”, quindi “Elimina” dal riquadro “Cronologia esplorazioni”. Troverà una serie di voci tra cui Cookie. Verifichi che sia attivato il segno di spunta in corrispondenza del suo nome e prema “Elimina”.
Google Chrome
Modifica impostazioni Cookie
Digiti chrome://settings/ nella barra degli indirizzi quindi selezioni su “Mostra impostazioni avanzate” nella parte inferiore della pagina e, successivamente, su “Impostazioni contenuti” della sezione “Privacy” e poi su “Consenti il salvataggio dei dati in locale (consigliata)”, quindi “Fine”.
Cancellazione Cookie
Digiti chrome://history/ nella barra degli indirizzi e quindi selezioni “Cancella dati di navigazione…”. Troverà una serie di voci tra cui “Cookie e altri dati di siti e plugin”. Verifichi che sia attivato il segno di spunta in corrispondenza del suo nome e prema “Cancella dati di navigazione”.
Le consigliamo comunque di verificare sempre la guida aggiornata cliccando qui hl=it
Mozilla Firefox
Modifica impostazioni Cookie
Acceda alle opzioni tramite l’icona del menu, quindi seleziona la sezione “Privacy”. Alla voce cronologia scelga: “utilizza impostazioni personalizzate” quindi regoli la gestione dei cookie attraverso le opzioni messe a disposizione dal programma. Clicchi “OK” per applicare le modifiche.
Cancellazione Cookie
Acceda alle opzioni tramite l’icona del menu, quindi selezioni la sezione “Privacy”. Alla voce cronologia scelga: “utilizza impostazioni personalizzate” quindi clicchi sulla voce “Mostra i cookie”. Verrà visualizzata la finestra Cookie: Nel campo “Cerca” digiti il nome del sito di cui vuole rimuovere i cookie. Apparirà un elenco che riporta i cookie relativi alla ricerca effettuata. Nell’elenco, selezioni i cookie da rimuovere e faccia clic sul pulsante “Rimuovi Selezionato”. Per eliminare tutti i cookie memorizzati sul Suo computer può utilizzare il pulsante “Rimuovi tutti i cookie”.
Le consigliamo comunque di verificare sempre la guida aggiornata cliccando qui:
Modifica impostazioni Cookie
Clicchi sulla voce “Preferenze” dal menu “Strumenti” (combinazione di tasti CTRL+) quindi selezioni la sezione “Privacy”. Scelga la policy di gestione dei cookie scegliendo un’opzione tra quelle proposte dal programma quindi chiuda la finestra delle opzioni dall’icona di chiusura in alto a destra.
Cancellazione Cookie
Clicchi sulla voce “Preferenze” dal menu “Strumenti” (combinazione di tasti CTRL+) quindi selezioni la sezione “Privacy”. Clicchi su “Rimuovi tutti i dati del sito web” e quindi confermi la scelta. Scelga la policy di gestione dei cookie scegliendo un’opzione tra quelle proposte dal programma e quindi chiuda la finestra delle opzioni dall’icona di chiusura in alto a destra.
Le consigliamo comunque di verificare sempre la guida aggiornata cliccando su
In caso di dispositivi quali smartphone, tablet, ecc, Le chiediamo di verificare che ciascun browser su ogni dispositivo sia regolato per esprimere le Sue preferenze relative ai cookie.
I link sopra indicati possono essere soggetti a variazioni del tempo non dovuti al Sito. Le stesse informazioni sono, comunque, facilmente reperibili utilizzando un motore di ricerca. Se il vostro browser non è presente, fate riferimento alle informazioni sui cookie fornite dal browser stesso. Se utilizzate un telefono cellulare, consultate il relativo manuale per reperire ulteriori informazioni. A seguito di disabilitazione dei cookie attraverso le impostazioni del browser, si ricorda la necessità di provvedere sempre attraverso le stesse alla eliminazione di quelli già presenti prima della disabilitazione stessa.
Informazioni fornite dall’AZ. AGRICOLA SILVIO GRASSO DI GRASSO ALESSIO FEDERICO ai sensi dell’art. 13 del Reg. Ue 2016/679.
L’AZ. AGRICOLA SILVIO GRASSO DI GRASSO ALESSIO FEDERICO, in qualità di titolare del trattamento, con riferimento ai cookie installati direttamente dal Sito, precisa quanto segue:
La Morra (CN), 21/02/2023
Privacy Policy EN
Information policy pursuant to art. 13 of the European Regulation 679/2016
Pursuant to art. 13 of the European Regulation (EU) n. 2016/679 (hereafter GDPR), l’AZ. AGRICOLA SILVIO GRASSO DI GRASSO ALESSIO FEDERICO, based in Frazione Annunziata n. 112, 12064 La Morra (CN), P.IVA 02559680042, as data controller, informs you that your data will be processed in the following manner and for the following purposes.
Object of the processing
The Owner treats your personal identification data (such as name, company name, address, telephone numbers) you have communicated in the context of contractual relationships.
Purpose of the processing
Legal basis
Processing is necessary for the execution of a contract for which each customer is a party or for the execution of pre-contractual measures taken at the request of the customer.
For the marketing purposes identified in the previous point, the processing will only take place after your specific and distinct consent, which will constitute the legal basis of the processing. Subsequently, you will have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent, however, will not affect the lawfulness of the treatment based on consent before revocation.
Failure to provide data
The provision of data for the purposes referred to in letter a) of point 2 is a necessary requirement for the execution of the contract. Therefore, the failure to communicate such data implies the impossibility for the Owner to follow up on the activities related to the main processing, namely:
The provision of data for the purposes referred to in letter b) of point 2 is optional and there are therefore no consequences in the event of your refusal, if not the impossibility to provide you with more information on the development of our services and greater compliance same to your needs.
Method of treatment
Your personal data are subjected to both paper and electronic and / or automated processing, also by inserting them into databases, lists and registers suitable for storing and managing data, in the manner and within the limits necessary for the pursuit of the aforementioned purposes.
Specific security measures are observed to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access. By way of example and not exhaustively: firewall, antivirus, antimalware, backup.
Your data will be processed exclusively by persons authorized to treatment expressly appointed and instructed.
The Data Controller will process personal data for the time necessary to fulfill the aforementioned purposes and for the period prescribed by the laws relating to the conservation obligations for tax and statutory purposes.
For the purposes of Marketing the data will be processed until the person concerned will not exercise the right of withdrawal.
Access to data
Personal data processed by the Data Controller will not be disclosed, or will not be disclosed to indeterminate subjects, in any possible form, including that of their availability or simple consultation.
They can be communicated to the persons authorized to access it by virtue of provisions of law, regulations, community regulations.
The updated list of external managers is in any case available at the headquarters of the owner.
Furthermore, on the basis of the work tasks performed, some authorized to process have been entitled to process personal data, within the limits of their powers and in accordance with the instructions given to them by the Owner.
The updated list of persons authorized to process personal data is in any case available at the headquarters of the Data Controller.
Rights of the interested party
The art. 15 and following of the GDPR (*), give you the right to obtain:
Modalities to exercising rights
The interested party may at any time exercise the aforementioned rights by sending a communication:
The Owner is required to provide an answer within one month of the request, extending up to two months in case of particular complexity of the request itself.
Identity and contact details of the Data Controller
The data controller is AZ. AGRICOLA SILVIO GRASSO DI GRASSO ALESSIO FEDERICO, Frazione Annunziata n. 112, 12064 La Morra (CN), e-mail, tel. +39 351 6703545.
La Morra (CN), 21/02/2023
Cookie policy en
Extended information about cookies
What is the purpose of this notice?
This page describes the management methods of the website, the Data Controller of which is AZ. AGRICOLA SILVIO GRASSO DI GRASSO ALESSIO FEDERICO, registered office at Frazione Annunziata n. 112, 12064 La Morra (CN), P.IVA 02559680042, in reference to the cookies that are installed on users' terminals.
This is an extensive disclosure aimed at informing the User about the storage of the so-called cookies on his/her terminal by this website, which is also in compliance with the Provision issued by the Italian Data Protection Authority for the protection of personal data of 8 May 2014 concerning the “Identification of the simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies”.
The Data Controller intends to make its privacy protection policies conform to the provisions of EU Regulation 679/2016 (in summary, GDPR), and also to the rules and procedures that the Guarantor has specified in the document on the Privacy Policy published on the Protection Authority's website as well as the provision mentioned above of "Identification of the simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies" of 8 May 2014.
Using technology to acquire information stored in the terminal equipment of the Users ("Cookies Notice")
We have prepared the following Cookies Policy to describe the types of cookies and other technology used on our website and our platform and to describe the reasons and conditions for the use of these cookies. Please note that we cannot offer our Services without sending some of our cookies and/or similar technologies to your device. Therefore you authorise us to use AZ. AGRICOLA SILVIO GRASSO DI GRASSO ALESSIO FEDERICO cookies when you use our Website and our Services. However, you can avoid some cookies by configuring the settings of your browser or refusing third-parties directly, as specified in detail below.
What are cookies?
Cookies are text files situated on the directory of your browser. When you access a website, a cookie is sent to the device through which you access the website, sending information to the browser. Cookies are very common and are used on many websites. This happens because cookies allow those who run the website to carry out useful functions; for example, a cookie enables the operator of a website to know if a computer (and probably its User) has visited the website before. Generally, the purpose of cookies is to improve the functioning of the website and the User's experience in using it. This document draws on the contents of the Privacy Policy applied by the Authority for the protection of personal data in relation to the processing of personal data of users, published on the Official website
The Collection and Use of Data
What data do they collect?
As with all Websites, this Website also utilises log files in which information garnered from User's visits is automatically collected and stored. The information collected could include the following:
The information listed here is processed automatically and collected in an exclusively aggregated form in order to verify the correct functioning of the Website, as well as for security reasons.
As a security measure (anti-spam filters, firewalls, and virus detection), the automatically-stored data may also include personal data like IP addresses. Such data may be used to block attempts to hack the Website or other users, or any other harmful or illegal activity, and is handled according to the laws governing data usage and storage. Such data is never used for user identification or profiling, but merely to protect the website and its users. This information will be processed in accordance with European Regulation No. 679/2016 and the Privacy Code to which express reference is made in the Privacy Policy on this website.
The Purposes.
Technical cookies
Cookies for navigation, security, etc., which contribute to the functioning of the website, for example, they give you the opportunity to navigate between pages or access protected areas. If these cookies are blocked, the website cannot function properly.
Cookies for functionality, location, etc., which allow you to store information that changes the behaviour or appearance of the website (preferred language, the geographical area in which you are located). If these cookies are blocked, the browsing experience is not compromised.
Statistical/analytic cookies, first-party or third-party with IP masking, without data cross-referencing (the purpose of which are similar to technical cookies), serves to collect information and generate statistics on the use of the website to understand how visitors interact.
Non-technical cookies
Third-party statistical/analytic cookies without IP masking, with data crossing, are used to collect information, generate usage statistics, with possible identification and tracking of the website user, in order to understand how visitors interact.
Profiling, advertising, tracking or conversion cookies for the selection of advertising based on what is relevant for a user (personalised ads). Profiling cookies are designed to create users' profiles and are used in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences shown by the users browsing the internet.
Classification of Cookies
For the origin:
Technical Cookies and Third Party Cookies
We can send “AZ. AGRICOLA SILVIO GRASSO DI GRASSO ALESSIO FEDERICO” cookies to your device through our website. The cookies we send are called technical cookies. Technical cookies are cookies that belong to the website that created them. The use of these cookies allows us to run the website efficiently. We also allow third parties to send cookies to your device. The difference between a website technical cookie and a third-party cookie concerns the control by the person who sends the cookie. Even if we allow third parties to access the website to send cookies to the User's device, we have no control over the information provided by cookies, and we do not have access to such data. This information is totally controlled by third parties, as described in the extended privacy policy above.
For the duration:
Session cookies and persistent cookies
Our website can send session and persistent cookies to your device. While the difference between a Technical cookie and a third-party cookie concerns the person who controls the initial sending of the cookie on your device, the difference between a session cookie and a persistent cookie regards the different period of time for which a cookie operates. Session cookies are cookies that typically last until you close your internet browser. When your browser session ends, the cookie expires. Persistent cookies, as the name itself indicates, are constant cookies and continue to operate after you close your browser. This allows faster and easier access to our website. For example, a persistent cookie that our website reads from your device is the language chosen for navigation. After the cookie is sent, you can be automatically directed to the website in the chosen language when you access the Website in the future.
The main cookies used by the website
Our website can send you cookies and similar technologies in different ways and for different purposes. Typically, these purposes include:
It is our intention to be transparent and clear about the conditions and purpose of our use of cookies and other technologies. We specify that our website does not use the so-called profiling cookies.
Preliminarily it should be noted that this website is equipped with tools that reduce the identifying power of Cookies and therefore, the third party does not cross-reference the information collected with other information it already possesses.
Website cookies
Website cookies are cookies sent by the “AZ. AGRICOLA SILVIO GRASSO DI GRASSO ALESSIO FEDERICO” servers to allow the use of the Website. These cookies are generally kept on your browser and do not expire at the end of your session. User tracking cookies are Technical cookies that track user ID and settings when visiting and using the Website. We consider these cookies useful for the operation of our website and we can send them to your device to improve the use of our website and our services.
However, it should be noted that this website is equipped with tools that reduce the identifying power of Cookies and therefore, the third party does not cross-reference the information collected with other information it already possesses.
Third-party cookies in general
This website may also incorporate plugins for social networks in order to allow easy sharing of content on your favourite social networks. Please note that if the User browses the website whilst logged in the social network, then he/she has already given consent to the use of cookies conveyed through this website at the time of registration to the social media network. The collection and use of the data obtained by means of the plugins are regulated by the respective privacy policies of the social media networks, to which reference should be made.
The presence of these plugins could, therefore, involve the transmission of cookies to and from all the websites managed by these “third parties”.
Transparency in the use of cookies
We want to make the use of cookies and other similar technologies as transparent as possible.
The User can decide whether to accept cookies using the settings on their browser.
Warning: the total or partial disabling of technical cookies may compromise the use of the site features reserved for registered users. Nonetheless, public contents can still be used when cookies are completely disabled.
Disabling "third-party" cookies does not affect the browsing experience in any way.
As specified above, we are unable to offer you our Services without the “AZ. AGRICOLA SILVIO GRASSO DI GRASSO ALESSIO FEDERICO” cookies. If you do not wish to receive third-party cookies on your device, many of these offer the possibility of excluding them from being sent.
How to disable cookies from the main browsers?
Most browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, etc.) are configured to accept cookies. Cookies stored on the hard drive of your device can still be deleted, and you can disable cookies by following the instructions provided by the main browsers.
To do this, access the "Preferences" of your browser. For information on how to change the cookie settings, select the browser you are using below:
Pursuant to the aforementioned provision of the Privacy Guarantor "Identification of the simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies" of 8 May 2014, "technical" cookies can be used even in the absence of consent. Among other things, the same European authority that brings together all the Guarantors for the privacy of the various Member States (the so-called "Article 29" Group) clarified in Opinion 4/2012 (WP194) entitled "Exemption from consent for the use of cookies" which are cookies for which it is not necessary to acquire the User's prior and informed consent:
Rights of the Data Subject
Pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679 ("GDPR"), data subjects have the right, at any time, to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of this data and to know its content and origin, verify its accuracy or request its integration, updating or rectification.
Furthermore, data subjects have the right to request the deletion, restriction of processing, portability of data and to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority and to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, to the data processing (Articles 17 et seq. of the GDPR).
The relative requests must be addressed to: AZ. AGRICOLA SILVIO GRASSO DI GRASSO ALESSIO FEDERICO, at the following email address:
Changes to this Cookie Policy
“AZ. AGRICOLA SILVIO GRASSO DI GRASSO ALESSIO FEDERICO” reserves the right to make changes to the Website, to this Cookies Notice published anywhere on the Website, at any time. Upon consultation, the User must always refer to the published text as the applicable version.
The changes will be effective once they are published on the Website. Continued use of the Website by users, following a change, will be considered as acceptance of such changes.
All users can check, by accessing the Website, the latest version of the Cookies Notice, at any time, as updated from time to time by “AZ. AGRICOLA SILVIO GRASSO DI GRASSO ALESSIO FEDERICO”.
La Morra (CN), 21/02/2023
Privacy Policy de
Auf dieser Seite werden die Modalitäten beschrieben, mit denen die auf der Website gesammelten personenbezogenen Daten der Besucher verarbeitet werden.
Diese Datenschutzerklärung wurde nur für diese Website, auf der sie auch zur Verfügung gestellt wird, und nicht für andere Websites, die der Benutzer über Links auf dieser Website erreichen kann, erstellt.
Im Sinne des Art. 13 der europäischen Verordnung (EU) Nr. 2016/679 (im Folgenden DSGVO) informiert AZ. AGRICOLA SILVIO GRASSO DI GRASSO ALESSIO FEDERICO, mit Sitz in Frazione Annunziata 112, 12064 La Morra (CN), UST-ID 02559680042, als Verantwortlicher, dass die Daten der Benutzer in den folgenden Modalitäten und für die folgenden Zwecke verarbeitet werden.
Art der verarbeiteten Daten
Die fehlende Bereitstellung der Daten
Die personenbezogenen Daten werden mit automatisierten Verfahren für die zum Erreichen der Ziele, für welche die Daten gesammelt worden sind, strikt notwendige Zeit verarbeitet. Es werden spezifische Sicherheitsmaßnahmen beachtet, um dem Verlust, dem Missbrauch oder nicht korrekten Gebrauch der Daten und nicht autorisierten Zugriffen auf die Daten vorzubeugen. Die Daten der Benutzer der Website werden ausschließlich von ausdrücklich benannten und eingewiesenen Auftragsverarbeitern verarbeitet.
Der Verantwortliche wird die personenbezogenen Daten für die zur Erfüllung der oben genannten Zwecke notwendigen Zeit und für den von den geltenden Vorschriften geforderten Mindestzeitraum verarbeiten. Die Daten werden speziell für die gesamte Dauer der Vertragsbeziehungen verarbeitet werden. Danach werden sie nur zur Erfüllung von gesetzlichen Verpflichtungen aufbewahrt werden.
Zugang zu den Daten
Rechte des Betroffenen
Ausübung der Rechte
Identität und Kontaktdaten des Verantwortlichen für die Datenverarbeitung.
Der Verantwortliche ist AZ. AGRICOLA SILVIO GRASSO DI GRASSO ALESSIO FEDERICO, Frazione Annunziata 112, 12064 La Morra (CN), E-Mail, Tel. +39 351 6703545.
La Morra (CN), 21.02.2023
Cookie policy de
Erweiterte Cookie-Erklärung
Diese Cookie-Erklärung wurde von AZ. AGRICOLA SILVIO GRASSO DI GRASSO ALESSIO FEDERICO, mit Firmensitz in Frazione Annunziata 112 - 12064 La Morra (CN), UST-ID 02559680042, für die Website (“Website”) erstellt.
Was sind Cookies und warum werden sie verwendet?
Cookies sind kleine Textdateien, welche die von den Benutzern besuchten Websites an das Endgerät des Besuchers (in der Regel an den Browser) senden, wo sie gespeichert und bei einem späteren Besuch des Benutzers wieder an diese Websites zurückgesendet werden. Im Laufe der Navigation auf einer Website können auf dem Endgerät des Benutzers auch Website-Cookies von anderen Webservern (die so genannten „Drittanbieter-Cookies“) abgelegt werden: Das passiert, wenn auf der besuchten Website Elemente sind, wie zum Beispiel Bilder, Karten, Sounds oder spezifische Links zu Websites anderer Domänen, die auf anderen Servern als dem, auf dem sich die angeforderte Internetseite befindet, liegen.
Dauer der Cookies
Einige Cookies (Sitzungscookies) bleiben nur bis zum Schließen des Browsers auf dem Endgerät. Andere Cookies stehen auch bei späteren Besuchen des Benutzers zur Verfügung. Diese Cookies heißen Dauercookies und ihre Dauer wird vom Server bei Ihrer Erstellung festgelegt. In einigen Fällen wird eine Frist bestimmt, in anderen Fällen ist die Dauer unbefristet.
Zwecke der Cookies
Cookies werden für die Authentifizierung der Quelle, die Überwachung von Sitzungen und Speicherung von spezifischen Informationen über die Benutzer, die auf den Server zugreifen, verwendet, und in der Regel sind auf den Browsern der Benutzer sehr viele Cookies abgelegt. Von diesen Cookies sind einige für die Ausführung bestimmter Dienste technisch notwendig: Die Dienste könnten ohne sie nicht ausgeführt werden. Zum Beispiel wäre der Zugang zu den Bereichen der Website, die den angemeldeten Besuchern vorbehalten sind, und die Aktivitäten, die innerhalb dieser Bereiche ausgeführt werden können, wesentlich komplexer und weniger sicher ohne die Präsenz von Cookies, die erlauben, den Benutzer für die gesamte Sitzung zu identifizieren.
Im Laufe der Navigation auf einer Website kann der Benutzer auf seinem Endgerät auch Cookies, die von anderen Websites oder anderen Webservern (die so genannten Drittanbieter“) kommen, erhalten.
Zum Beispiel können mit den von Google Analytics und Google Maps angebotenen Diensten verbundene Cookies oder Cookies durch die Präsenz von „Social Plugins“ (zum Beispiel Facebook, Twitter, Instagramm, Pinterest, Google+ und LinkedIn), die im Allgemeinen und in der Regel für die Teilung von Inhalten verwendet werden, auf dem Endgerät abgelegt werden.
Verwendung und Zweck der Cookies auf der Website
Die über die Website installierten Cookies sind technische Cookies, für die nicht vorher die Einwilligung vom Benutzer eingeholt werden muss.
Es sind keine Cookies für ein echtes Profiling vorgesehen.
Cookies blockieren:
Der Benutzer kann entscheiden, ob er die Cookies zulässt oder nicht. Dafür kann er die Einstellungen seines Internetbrowsers verwenden. Die meisten Browser erlauben, Cookies über ihre Einstellungen zu verwalten (anzeigen, zulassen, blockieren und löschen).
Die Browsereinstellungen
Der Benutzer kann jederzeit die Parameter für seine Privatsphäre hinsichtlich der Installation und die Verwendung von Cookies direkt über sein Navigationsprogramm (Browser) gemäß den entsprechenden Anleitungen konfigurieren.
Der Benutzer kann zum Beispiel den so genannten „privaten Modus“ wählen, mit dem sein Navigationsprogramm das Speichern der Chronik der besuchten Websites, der möglicherweise eingegebenen Passwörter, der Cookies und anderen Informationen auf den besuchten Internetseiten abbricht.
Wenn der Benutzer entscheidet, alle Cookies zu blockieren (auch die technischen Cookies), können sich die Qualität und die Geschwindigkeit der von der Website angebotenen Dienste drastisch verschlechtern, und man kann den Zugang zu einigen Bereichen auf der Website verlieren.
Praktische Hinweise für den Benutzer für die korrekte Einstellung seines Browsers
Um Cookies direkt über seinen Browser zu blockieren oder ihre Verwendung einzuschränken, kann man die unten angegebenen Anleitungen zu den allgemein verwendeten Browsern befolgen.
Internet Explorer
Änderungen der Cookie-Einstellungen
Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche “Extras“, „Internetoptionen“ und dann auf die Registerkarte „Datenschutz“. Sie können die Zulassungen/Ablehnungen von Cookies einstellen, indem Sie den entsprechenden Slider nach unten oder nach oben scrollen oder auf die Schaltfläche „Cookies und Websiteberechtigungen“ klicken. Es öffnet sich ein Dialogfenster, in dem Sie die Cookies für jede Website einzeln zulassen oder blockieren können. Klicken Sie auf „OK“, um die Änderungen zu speichern.
Cookies löschen
Wählen Sie „Extras“, „Internetoptionen“ und dann „Browserverlauf löschen“. Sie werden dort eine Reihe an Posten finden, unter anderem den Posten Cookie. Prüfen Sie, dass der Haken im Kontrollkästchen gesetzt ist, und drücken Sie „Löschen“.
Google Chrome
Änderungen der Cookie-Einstellungen
Geben Sie chrome://settings/ in die Adressenleiste ein, dann wählen Sie unten auf der Seite „Erweiterte Einstellungen anzeigen“ und klicken auf „Lokales Speichern von Daten zulassen (empfohlen)“, dann klicken Sie auf „Beenden“.
Cookies löschen
Geben Sie chrome://history/ in die Adressenleiste ein und wählen dann „Navigationsdaten löschen...“. Sie finden eine Reihe an Posten, darunter „Cookie und andere Websitedaten und Plugin“. Prüfen Sie, dass der Haken im Kontrollkästchen gesetzt ist, und drücken Sie „Löschen“.
Wir empfehlen in jedem Fall, in die aktualisierten Anleitungen unter dem folgenden Link nachzuschauen: hl=it
Mozilla Firefox
Änderungen der Cookie-Einstellungen
Öffnen Sie über die Menü-Schaltfläche den Bereich „Datenschutz“. Wählen Sie unter dem Posten Chronik: „nach benutzerdefinierte Einstellungen anlegen“ und wählen Sie Ihre Präferenzen für die Cookie-Verwaltung unter den bereitgestellten Optionen. Klicken Sie auf „OK“, um die Änderungen zu speichern.
Cookies löschen
Öffnen Sie über die Menü-Schaltfläche den Bereich „Datenschutz“. Wählen Sie unter dem Posten Chronik: „nach benutzerdefinierten Einstellungen anlegen“ und klicken Sie auf „Cookies anzeigen“. Es öffnet sich das Cookie-Fenster: Im Feld „Suchen“ geben Sie den Namen der Website ein, deren Cookies Sie löschen möchten. Es erscheint eine Liste mit den Cookies. Wählen Sie die Cookies aus, die Sie löschen möchten, und klicken Sie auf „Auswahl löschen“. Um alle auf Ihrem Computer gespeicherten Cookies zu löschen, können Sie einfach auf die Schaltfläche „Alle Cookies löschen“ klicken.
Wir empfehlen in jedem Fall, in die aktualisierten Anleitungen unter dem folgenden Link nachzuschauen:
Änderungen der Cookie-Einstellungen
Klicken Sie auf „Präferenzen“ im Menü „Extras“ (Tastenkombination STRG+), dann wählen Sie „Datenschutz“. Wählen Sie unter den vom Programm vorgeschlagenen Optionen die gewünschten Cookie-Einstellungen aus und schließen Sie das Fenster über das Schließsymbol oben rechts.
Cookies löschen
Klicken Sie auf „Präferenzen“ im Menü „Extras“ (Tastenkombination STRG+), dann wählen Sie „Datenschutz“. Klicken Sie auf „Löschen Sie alle Websitedaten“ und bestätigen Sie die Auswahl. Wählen Sie unter den vom Programm vorgeschlagenen Optionen die gewünschten Cookie-Einstellungen aus und schließen Sie das Fenster über das Schließsymbol oben rechts.
Wir empfehlen in jedem Fall, in die aktualisierten Anleitungen unter dem folgenden Link nachzuschauen:
Wenn Sie Geräte wie Smartphone, Tablet usw. benutzen, bitten wir Sie nachzuprüfen, ob jeder Browser für jedes Gerät gemäß Ihrer Präferenzen hinsichtlich der Cookies eingestellt ist.
Die oben genannten Links können unabhängig von dieser Website geändert werden. Dieselben Informationen können Sie in jedem Fall über einen Suchmotor finden.
Wenn Sie Ihren Browser nicht aufgelistet finden, kontrollieren Sie die Informationen über die Cookies, die der Browser selbst zur Verfügung stellt. Wenn Sie ein Mobiltelefon benutzen, schauen Sie in die Bedienungsanleitung vom Telefon für mehr Informationen.
Denken Sie daran, dass Sie, nachdem Sie die Cookies über die Browsereinstellungen blockiert haben, auch die bereits vor der Blockierung gespeicherten Cookies über die Browsereinstellungen löschen müssen.
Von AZ. AGRICOLA SILVIO GRASSO DI GRASSO ALESSIO FEDERICO gemäß Art. 13 der Verordn. (EU) 2016/679 gelieferten Informationen.
Das Unternehmen AZ. AGRICOLA SILVIO GRASSO DI GRASSO ALESSIO FEDERICO spezifiziert als Verantwortlicher der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten im Hinblick auf die direkt von der Website abgelegten Cookies, dass:
La Morra (CN), 21.02.2023
+39 351 6703545
P.IVA 02559680042
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Privacy Policy - Cookie Policy
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